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Columbia Heights Public Schools serves learners from birth through adulthood. Our goal is to provide our students with the skills, knowledge, tools and support they need to excel both in and out of the classroom and to provide them with a strong foundation that will ensure further success in life. 

We are here to assist new students and families with the adjustment to a new school, community, and possibly a new country. CHPS serves the communities of Columbia Heights, Hilltop, and the southern third of Fridley. Families outside this area may apply for open enrollment.

PreK 3 and Early Childhood Enrollment

PreK 3 y Educación Temprana inscríbete ahora en Espanol

To register for Mini Adventures or Adventure Club child care, contact the Community Education Department at 763-528-4517.

To Enroll your student in one of our schools (PreK 4-Grade 12)

Choose One Option to Enroll:

  • "Enroll Now" Button
  • Pick up an Enrollment Packet at the District Office (Weekdays, 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.)

Completed paperwork can be faxed to 763-571-2176, emailed to or dropped off in person at the Placement Center at 1440 49th Ave NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421.

Placement Center Hours are 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Monday-Thursday

2024-2025 Enrollment



You can pick up a registration packet at the District Offices (1440 49th Ave NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421). We have a plastic container with registration packets and that door is open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The completed registration packet can be faxed to 763-571-2176, emailed to or dropped off in person at the District Office front desk between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

DO NOT leave the completed enrollment packet in the plastic container.

In addition to the enrollment packet, you will need to provide the following:

Open Enrollment

If you are not a resident within the Columbia Heights Public School district you may still be able to have your student(s) register in one of our schools. Minnesota Statute 124D.03 allows all Minnesota's public school students the opportunity to apply to attend a school outside of the student's home district by open enrolling. Families are encouraged to apply before January 15 of each year to have the best chance of being admitted to one of our schools.

Download the free PreK Open Enrollment Form 

Download the K-12 and Early Childhood Special Education Open Enrollment Form

There is no charge for open enrollment; however, the student and his/her family is responsible for providing their own transportation. Transportation options are sometimes available by contacting the schools transportation department. Please know that Open Enrollment applicants are accepted depending on space availability.

Please call 763-528-4426 before filling out an Open Enrollment form to verify availability.

Online Enrollment

Online enrollment may be available for your family! To begin the process, email with the information below. You will receive an email response from our staff with the next steps in the process.

  • Student full legal name
  • Student birthdate
  • Student grade for current school year
  • Desired start date
  • Home address
  • Parent name
  • Phone number


2024-2025 inscripción



Puede pasar a recoger un paquete de inscripción a las Oficinas del Distrito (1440 49th Ave NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421). Tenemos un contenedor de plástico con paquetes de inscripción y esa puerta está abierta desde las 7:30 a.m. hasta las 6:00 p.m. de lunes a viernes.

El paquete de inscripción completo se puede enviar por Fax al 763-571-2176, por correo electrónico a  o dejarlo en persona en la recepción de las Oficinas del Distrito entre las 8:00 a.m. y las 4:00 p.m. de lunes a viernes.

NO DEJE el paquete de inscripción completo en el contenedor de plástico.

Además del paquete de inscripción, deberá proporcionar lo siguiente:

Inscripción Abierta

Si no es residente del distrito de las Escuelas Públicas de Columbia Heights, es posible que aún pueda hacer que sus estudiantes se registren en una de nuestras escuelas. El Estatuto 124D.03 de Minnesota permite a todos los estudiantes de las escuelas públicas de Minnesota la oportunidad de solicitar asistir a una escuela fuera del distrito de origen del estudiante mediante una Inscripción Abierta. Se solicita a las familias a que presenten su solicitud antes del 15 de enero de cada año para tener mejor oportunidad de ser admitidas en una de nuestras escuelas..

Descargue el formulario de Inscripción Abierta Gratuita para PreK-4

Descargue el formulario de Inscripción Abierta Gratuita para K-12

No hay cargo  por inscripción abierta; sin embargo, el estudiante y su familia son responsables de proporcionar su propio transporte. Las opciones de transporte a veces están disponibles comunicándose con el departamento de transporte de la escuela. Tenga en cuenta que se aceptan solicitantes de inscripción abierta según la disponibilidad de espacio.

Llame al 763-528-4426 antes de completar un formulario de inscripción abierta para verificar la disponibilidad.

Paquete de Inscripcion
 en linea

Es posible que su familia pueda inscribirse en línea. Para iniciar el proceso, envíe un correo electrónico a con la siguiente información. Usted recibirá un correo electrónico de respuesta de nuestro personal con los siguientes pasos en el proceso.

  • Nombre legal completo del alumno
  • Fecha de nacimiento del estudiante
  • Grado del estudiante para el año escolar actual
  • Fecha de inicio deseada
  • Domicilio
  • Nombre de los padres
  • Número de teléfono

Placement Center

Leueen Saavedra
Phone: 763-528-4426  Fax: 763-571-2176
1440 49th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421

Hours: 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. - Monday-Thursday

Boundary Maps 

The school you will attend is based on where you live. Review the boundary maps below to see what school attendance area you live in.

Would you prefer your student to attend a school other than the one assigned by the attendance area?  

Click the links below to view the walking boundary maps: 

District Boundary Map

Highland Elementary School  

North Park School for Innovation 

Valley View Elementary School

Columbia Academy

Columbia Heights High School