Technology Policies
Columbia Heights Public Schools has several structures in place to create a safe, effective and respectful environment surrounding the use of technology in our schools. The documents and links below outline our district policy, parent agreement forms, and school rules for technology use.
Policy 524
In making decisions regarding student and employee access to the school district computer system and the Internet, including electronic communications, the school district considers its own stated educational mission, goals, and objectives. Electronic information research skills are now fundamental to preparation of citizens and future employees. Access to the school district computer system and to the Internet enables students and employees to explore thousands of libraries, databases, bulletin boards, and other resources while exchanging messages with people around the world. The school district expects that faculty will blend thoughtful use of the school district computer system and the Internet throughout the curriculum and will provide guidance and instruction to students in their use.
Technology & Media Agreement Digital Form
It is the policy of Columbia Heights Public Schools to require that parents sign an agreement to the Internet, Technology and Cell Phone Acceptable Use and Safety Policy upon the start of each new school year. The student’s access to internet, school accounts, and/or district-owned devices will be blocked until the school receives this form from the parents. Parents must complete one form for each student.
Device Insurance Forms for Grades K-12