2023 Worlds Best Workforce Report
Goal Area 1
Goal Area 1: All students ready for kindergarten
Students enrolled in PreK 3 and PreK 4 will show growth in all assessed areas as measured by TS GOLD assessments given in the Fall of 2022 and Spring of 2023.
- PreK 3 and PreK 4 teachers met weekly for PLCs to discuss data and inform instruction.
- PreK 3 and PreK 4 teachers met during data days to dive deeper into the TSGold assessment results to support student outcomes.
Results & Response: Goal Met
Goal Area 2
Goal Area 2: All students in third grade achieving grade level literacy
Increase reading proficiency by 5% for third grade students from all ethnic groups as measured by the Fastbridge from Fall 2022 to Spring 2023.
- Instructional Coaches
- Focus on the whole group instruction within the literacy block
- District-wide PLCs
- Academic Tutoring
- PRESS interventions to support literacy
- Professional development focused on literacy
Results & Response: Goal not met
Goal Area 3
Goal Area 3: Close the achievement gap among all groups
The achievement gap in Columbia Heights Public Schools will decrease by 5% from the 2021-2022 to the 2022-2023 school year as measured by the MCA reading in grades 3-10.
- Culturally Relevant Teaching Professional Development at the school level
- Affinity Groups for staff district-wide and families at some buildings
- Equity Surveys and Focus Groups
- Applied for multiple grants to support the professional development, resources, and staff time
Results and Response: Goal not met
Goal Area 4
Goal Area 4: All students attaining career and college readiness before graduating from high school
Increase number of students taking college level courses (AP, Early College, PSEO) by 5% from 2021-2022 to 2022-2023.
- Increase number of opportunities (classes and frequency)
- Applied for grants to support pathways in AP STEM
- College Support Classes
Results & Response: Goal not met
Goal Area 5
Goal Area 5: All students graduating from high school
Maintain or increase the graduation rate from 2021-2022 to 2022-2023.
- Family Engagement
- PLCs
- Data monitoring by admin
- Academic Tutoring and Support
- PD around instruction and culturally relevant instruction
Results and Response: The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) has not yet released the 2023 Graduation Rates. The graduation rate for Columbia Heights High School in 2022 was 90.9%, which is a decrease from the 2021 graduation rate of 94.3%. The overall graduation rate for Minnesota was 83.6% in 2022. The District will post the 2023 results online when they are released.
Achievement and Integration
Goal 1: Increase the college and career readiness for Hispanic students from 27% participating in early college classes to 36% participating in 2023 in order to match overall high school demographics.
Strategy 1
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
Strategy 4
Goal 2: Increase CHPS students' access to teachers trained in culturally relevant and effective instruction from 65% in 2019 to 80% in 2023.
Strategy 5
Strategy 6
Goal 3: Increase the cultural awareness and competency of CHPS students from an average of 2 at the start of the 2020 school year to 4 (Likert scale) at the end of the 2022-23 school year.
Strategy 7
Strategy 8