Talking with Teens
Things that May Help with Grief
Things that hurt
Things that might be a support to grieving teenagers
- Being acknowledged (knowing people are thinking of them)
- Working (staying busy)
- Helping (getting out and helping others can help diminish grief)
- Sharing (feelings of loneliness can decrease when common experiences are shared)
- Talking (it's always helpful to have a good listener)
- Crying (brings relief)
- Laughing (it's okay and healthy to laugh and have a good time)
- Hugging (it often meant more than words could say)
- Being with friends (staying in comfortable environment)
- Being alone (time to process individually)
Things that hurt
- Being avoided (people did not know what to do or say)
- Being pushed to talk (sometimes I did not feel like talking or did not like people being nosy)
- Feeling different (people whispered about me, looked at me. Sometimes I just wanted to forget what had happened and feel normal again)
- Being offered a replacement (like people saying I should get another dog or that my mother should have another baby)
- Not being asked (it hurt when people asked my friends what happened because they were afraid to ask me)
- Being told how to feel ("you shouldn't cry, don't be angry, you should be over this by now, everyone feels that way," etc.)
Ways to Express Sympathy
Say "I'm sorry this happened to you."
Give a hug, take some flowers, bake some cookies, lend a teddy bear, listen
Do not be afraid to mention the dead person's name
Remember to keep in touch
Find out if s/he wants to do routine activities or wants a break
Do not act embarrassed if a grieving friend cries or laughs...just be there
Things that might be a support to grieving teenagers
- Keeping a diary or a journal
- Joining a support group of peers who are also grieving
- Writing letters of regrets and appreciations to the one who has died.