Signs a Child May Need Professional Help
Any of these signs may be present initially in grief, so please pay attention if these persist over time. If you are concerned about your child, please call a representative from the Student Support Team to talk if s/he is also seeing the same signs. Try not to over state your case. Most parents and school staff welcome the honest observations and concerns. It is helpful to have a list of local resources should parents wish to seek professional help.
Physical signs- Change in eating (less or more)
- Changes in sleep (less or more)
- Significant loss of energy
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Stomach aches
- Emotional signs
Persistent anxiety
Hopes of reunion with deceased
Desire to die
Clinging to others
Absence of all grief
Strong resistance to forming new attachments
Expression of only negative or only positive about the deceased
Behavioral signs
Aggression, displays of power
- Withdrawn regression
- Overachieving syndrome
- Inability to focus or concentrate
- Self-destructive
- Excessive daydreaming
- Compulsive care-giving
- Accident-prone
- Stealing or other illegal activities
- Use or abuse of drugs or alcohol or both
- Unable to speak of the deceased
Cognitive signs
Inability to concentrate
- Confused or distorted thinking
Any signs of long-term or clinical depression are red flags, as are your own "gut feelings" about whether a child is really struggling with more than just the profound sadness that is "normal" grief.