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Homebound Instruction

Obtaining Homebound ServicesAny student in grades K-12 may be considered for homebound instruction if the student has been absent or is predicted to be absent from school for fifteen (15) days or more due to physical illness, mental health treatment, or pregnancy.

  • In the case of mental health treatment, a mental health professional may sign a Physician's Approval form requesting homebound service. (Minnesota Administrative Rules: 3525.2325, Subp. 5. Minimum service required).
  • In medical situations, the school nurse sends (by mail or fax) a Physician's Approval form to the student's doctor to confirm the need for homebound instruction.

Starting Homebound InstructionThe Student Services Office contacts the parents by mail and phone to start Homebound services. A parent or responsible adult must be in the home during Homebound instruction. Instruction may take place in a public location such as a public library. The assigned homebound teacher will contact the school to get assignments and books for the student.

Earning CreditsIn calculating credits for advancing to the next grade level or for graduation, 60 minutes of homebound instruction is considered equivalent to one day of attendance in the regular school program. The combination of days the student has attended regular school and the hours spent in home or hospital instruction cannot, by law, exceed the total number of student days in a school year, which is 176 days.

Refusing ServicesEvery Minnesota child between 7 and 17 years of age must receive instruction unless the child has graduated. If a parent refuses to allow this school district to provide homebound instruction to a student who is under 18, Compulsory Attendance Law requirements will be followed.

Barb Erickson, Student Services Administrative Assistant
763-528-4414 |
1440 49th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421