If your child will be absent, please call your child's school's attendance line that morning or provide a written note within 48 hours stating the reason for the absence. Parents will receive an automated call if the student is marked absent.
Attendance Lines
Highland Elementary 763-528-4404
North Park Elementary 763-528-4304
Valley View Elementary 763-528-4204
Columbia Academy 763-528-4704
Columbia Heights High School 763-528-4604
Excused Absences
After Excused Absences |
1. Students whose absences are excused are required to make up all assignments missed or to complete alternative assignments as deemed appropriate by the classroom teacher. 2. Work missed because of absence must be made up within three days from the date of the student's return to school. Any work not completed within this period shall result in "no credit" for the missed assignment; however, the building principal or the classroom teacher may extend the time allowed for completion of make-up work in the case of an extended illness or other extenuating circumstances. 3. Previously announced projects and/or tests must be turned in or taken on the date of the student's return to school. In the event of a long-term illness, confirmed by a doctor's note, the school nurse, or school administrator, additional time may be given. |
To be considered an excused absence, the student’s parent or legal guardian will be asked to verify, perhaps in writing, the reason for the student’s absence from school. If a child
has been absent three or more times due to medical reasons, a note from a physician or
a licensed mental health professional stating that the student cannot attend school is an excused absence. The following reasons are excused absences:
- Illness
- Serious illness in the student's immediate family
- A death or funeral in the student's immediate family or of a close friend or relative
- Family emergencies
- Medical, dental or orthodontic treatment, or a counseling appointment with reasonable travel time
- Court appearances occasioned by family or personal action.
- Religious instruction not to exceed three hours in any week
- Emergency conditions such as fire, flood, storm
- Official school field trip
- Removal of a student pursuant to a suspension. Suspensions are to be handled as excused absences and students will be permitted to complete make-up work within a reasonable amount of time according to school building procedure
- Visiting a parent or legal guardian who is an active duty member in any military branch of the United States
- A student’s condition that requires ongoing treatment for a mental health diagnosis.
Unexcused Absences
After Unexcused Absences |
Your child will be missing out on important learning by missing class. 1. After three unexcused days, your family will receive a letter and phone call from the teacher. 2. After five unexcused days, your family will receive a letter and a phone call from the social worker. 3. After seven unexcused days, your family can be reported to the county that you reside in for educational neglect. 4. If a student has 10 or more ill days the family will receive a letter from the school and will need documentation from a doctor or mental health professional for all following absences. If a doctor's note is not provided, the absences will be counted as unexcused and will follow the guidelines above. |
The following are examples of absences which will not be excused:
- Truancy. An absence by a student which was not approved by
the parent/guardian and/or the school district. - Any absence in which the student failed to comply with any reporting requirements
of the school district's and school building’s attendance procedures of notifying the school within 48 hours. - Any other absence not included under the attendance procedures set out in this policy.