2023 Levy Referendums
Click here to view Special Election results
Where the District will be in relation to other districts when Operating Levy funding begins July 1, 2024.
Operating Levy and Capital Project Levy Referendums
What was the CHPS Board of Education's decision?
What was on the ballot?
There are two referendum questions that were on the ballot on November 7, 2023. There was a “revoke and replace” of an Operating Levy and there was renewal of an expiring Capital Project Levy.
What is an Operating Levy Referendum?
What is a Capital Project Levy Referendum?
How much will these increase my taxes?
Information about Voting
For Absentee Voting:
- Began on September 22 (46 days before the election)
- All in-person voting will take place at the Anoka County Government Center during this time.
- Ballots can be requested to be sent via mail as well and Anoka County Elections handles this also.
- The final 18 days leading up to the election (started October 20th) are called “Direct Balloting”. This process allows voters to put their ballot directly into a machine instead of into envelopes like they do during the first 28 days of absentee. This is also done at the county.
For Election Day In-person Voting:
- ISD 13 had two polling locations – Highland Elementary (1500 49th Ave NE) and Valley View Elementary (800 49th Ave NE)
- Find out where your polling location is - click here
- This was on November 7th
- Polls opened at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.
2023-24 School Year- CHPS will have an increase in state aid but a decrease in federal funding due to COVID funding expiring.
Funding factors for the District include:
- COVID Funding Expires
Rising costs:
Collective Bargain Agreements include steps, lanes, cost of living increases, benefits
Non-Affiliated staff cost of living increases and benefits
Other contracted services (ex. Building maintenance, health services)
- Compliance:
School Board fund balance policy
English Learner Service
Special Education Service