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Planned Improvements at North Park and Columbia Heights High School

Safety and security concerns and space deficiencies that limit programs and learning opportunities for students.

  • Safety and security concerns at the building entrance, student drop-off and playground areas creating potential dangerous situations for our students and staff.
  • Aging and insufficient learning spaces that limit programs and learning opportunities that are required to prepare students for success in a world that is very different than it was in 1966.

Upgrade learning spaces to prepare students to succeed in a world that is very different than when these buildings were built over 50 years ago.

The improvements planned for North Park Elementary address the school’s building security and educational needs to be comparable with other schools in the District and area. The safety and security of our students and staff are the foundation for a thriving school.

  • A secure single point of entry for all visitors.
  • School offices located at the new entrance, which provide enhanced security and customer service.
  • A separate entrance and exit specifically for buses, separating the buses from the playground, and a new entry/exit and parking lot for other vehicles, enhancing the safety and security of daily activities at the school.
  • Update early childhood and kindergarten space that facilitate innovative hands-on learning programs.
  • Improve learning spaces for science, art, media arts and a school library.
  • Improve learning spaces to support our students receiving Special Education programming.
  • Separate the cafeteria from the gymnasium.

Budget: $$12,476,758 (Site work, Additions, Extensive Remodel, Contingency, Owner/Soft Costs -- professional fees, permits, testing, furniture, technology, insurances, surveys, bidding, etc.)

Safety and security concerns and space deficiencies that limit programs and learning opportunities for students.

Outdated performing art spaces for our students and community; insufficient learning space for our current and expanding band program.


  • Outdated and inadequate stage lighting, sound, video and control systems.
  • Aging seating, curtains, stage floor, carpeting and wall finishes have outlived their useful life.
  • Stage that lacks a ramp for compliance with 
    Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Insufficient student dressing rooms.
  • Lack of space for student and community performances.


  • Shortage of band classroom space for our current and expanding band program.
  • Shortage of practice space, lack of proper instrument repair and cleaning space and lack of storage.
  • Poor acoustics and lighting.

Upgrade learning spaces to prepare students to succeed in a world that is very different than when these buildings were built over 50 years ago.

The plan proposed for improved arts spaces at the High School gives the District opportunity to retain and expand its performing and instrumental arts programming. Our students, from elementary through high school, love music and participating in band!


  • Upgrade stage accessibility to ensure compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Update existing stages to support school and community programming.
  • Replace and expand auditorium seating.
  • Replace lighting and sound systems; upgrade outdated sound and lighting booth.
  • Replace the stage curtains.
  • Upgrade dressing rooms.

Budget: $1,751,538 (Electrical Upgrades, Sound/Acoustic Upgrades, Finish Improvements, High School Gym Stage Renovation)


  • Build a band classroom to meet our current and expanding instrumental music programs.
  • Provide separate practice spaces, instrument repair and cleaning spaces, increased instrument storage and improved acoustics.
  • Improve energy efficiency and increase natural lighting.

Budget: $2,785,015 (Addition, Remodel, Contingency, Owner/Soft Costs -- professional fees, permits, testing, furniture, technology, insurances, surveys, bidding, etc.)

View the 2018 Bond Referendum FAQs.

For more information on the 2018 Bond Referendum, contact Director of Technology, Security & Building Operations Bryan Hennekens at 763-528-4479.