Finance & Operations
Welcome to the Columbia Heights Public Schools Finance Department. We strive for excellence and emphasize quality services to staff, community, students and vendors, including preparation and communication of timely and accurate information in support of the district mission. We are also the proud recipients of the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting for many consecutive years. We are responsible for the financial operations of the district, which include budget and cash management, fixed asset management, procurement card administration, payroll, benefits, accounts payable and general accounting.
CHPS Receives ASBO International’s Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting Award for FY2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
Columbia Heights Public Schools (CHPS) received the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting Award (COE) for their FY2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. ASBO International’s COE recognizes districts that have met the program’s high standards for financial reporting and transparency.
“The COE’s mission is to promote and recognize excellence in financial reporting,” ASBO International Executive Director David Lewis says. “The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report informs stakeholders about the financial and economic state of the district, making it an important communications tool for building trust and engaging with the school community.”
By participating in the COE program, school districts demonstrate their commitment to financial transparency. Applicants submit their ACFR for review by a team of financial professionals who provide feedback to improve future documents. If the report meets the requirements of the program, it may receive the Certificate of Excellence. A district’s participation in the COE program can facilitate bond rating and continuing bond disclosure processes.
“I am very proud of the CHPS Finance Team’s work,” said Director of Finance and Operations, Bryan Hennekens, “Their work enabled us to receive this award demonstrating our district’s excellence and transparency in financial reporting.”