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Hazards Information

SDS Database

Identifying, Analyzing and Controlling Hazards

The Operations Manager is to oversee implementation of health and safety management programs and MNOSHA compliance activities. Routine site visits and program reviews are conducted at each District building to verify compliance or identify hazardous conditions and work practices.

Hazardous Incident/Accident Investigations

All hazardous incidents ("near misses") and accidents are to be investigated and corrective actions taken. The Manager of Buildings and Grounds is to oversee health and safety investigations, including:

  • Maintaining form(s) to report, document and analyze all incidents
  • Promptly performing hazardous incident ("near miss") and accident investigations
  • Implementing corrective actions to prevent repeat incidents

Hazard ControlsSteps taken by the Manager of Buildings and Grounds to implement and maintain required safety controls include:

  • Assign highest priority to safety-related maintenance work orders
  • Oversee purchase of needed controls such as equipment/product replacement
  • Oversee purchase of appropriate personal protective equipment
  • Provide additional employee training as needed


Asbestos Management 

According to the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1986, Columbia Heights Public Schools has inspected all school buildings for asbestos-containing materials.

Asbestos management plans were developed for each school building based on inspection results. As part of the asbestos management plans, six-month asbestos surveillance and three-year re-inspections are conducted at each school, to monitor the condition of asbestos-containing materials. Readily-accessible materials in unsatisfactory condition and/or about to be impacted by school renovation are removed by Minnesota Department of Health-licensed asbestos abatement contractors. District policies for compliance with asbestos-related regulations are printed in a management plan for each school. Building-specific plans are available for review at the District Office. For more information, call 763.528.4525.

Indoor Air Quality

Columbia Heights Public Schools has developed and implemented an Indoor Air Quality Management Program to monitor and improve air quality in all district buildings. The district program is based on school guidelines from the Minnesota Department of Education and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The district’s Manager of Buildings and Grounds works with school administrators and custodians to implement preventive maintenance strategies and communicate with parents and building occupants about indoor air quality issues. For more information, call 763.528.4525.

Testing Lead in School Drinking Water

Under MN Statutes, 121A.335 Lead in School Drinking Water, school districts and charter schools are required to test for the presence of lead in water. Columbia Heights Public Schools has adopted the model plan developed by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) for testing lead in drinking water. The plan includes a testing schedule for all buildings serving prekindergarten students and students in kindergarten through grade 12. Each drinking water tap or water source used in food preparation is to be tested at minimum once every five years. Test results are to be available to the public for review, and parents are to be notified of the availability of the information.

If a test reveals a lead level of 20 parts per billion (ppb) or higher, the district immediately removes the fixture from service until the hazard has been remediated." The Manager of Buildings & Grounds oversees implementation and maintenance of the Lead in Drinking Water Program and model plan. For questions, report results and up-to-date information regarding sampling efforts, call 763-528-4525