Registration Information
District Policy
Columbia Heights Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, national origin, economic status, disability, age or marital status in any of our education programs or personnel.
No confirmation will be mailed. You will be notified only if a class is cancelled or filled. You may call to confirm your registration.
Weather-Based Cancellations
Cancellations will be announced on WCCO Radio (830/AM) or call the Community Education Office at 763-528-4517 for more information. If Columbia Heights Schools are closed, all Community Education classes and activities will be cancelled. Every effort will be made to make up these classes.
Fees may be paid by cash, checks (make all checks out to Columbia Heights Community Education) or Visa/MasterCard. Phone and online registrations by credit card only. Families are encouraged to pay electronically due to the COVID-19 pandemic. PreK 3 fees are a set monthly fee. Monthly tuition balance must be paid up-to-date for the student to remain in class. Scholarships may be available to families who qualify. ECFE fees are on a sliding scale based on gross annual income. Contact the Community Education office for more information.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
For Adult Enrichment classes, refund requests must be made 72 hours before the first day of class. For ECFE and PreK, you will receive a tuition refund if a class is full or cancelled, or if you drop a class seven days prior to the first day of class. The manager reserves the right to cancel classes with low attendance.
How to Pay
• *(ECFE only). Payment due at time of registration. Option to pay in two payments. *(PreK 3) First month payment due at time of registration.
• You may pay with cash, check or Visa/MasterCard.
• Please make checks payable to “CHPS Community Education.”
• Families are encouraged to pay electronically due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
To register or pay online, visit
Columbia Heights Community Education
1440 49th Avenue NE
Columbia Heights, MN 55421
If your check is returned it may be represented electronically. You authorize service charges and processing fees, as permitted by state law, to be debited from the same account, by paper draft or electronically, at our option. The use of a check for payment is your acknowledgement and acceptance of this policy and it’s terms. Visit for more information.